Electronics Engineering
Hardware Design

At Reflow Engineering we believe products work best when they are designed with tight integration between Hardware and Software. This concept is not unquie to us, but is one that is increasingly showing its merits in the tech industry. That's why we believe in providing a full service electronics design capability. Whether it's the low level code running bare metal on a microcontroller, the RTOS running on a wireless network processor, the mobile app providing user access, or the hardware that glues it all together. We take care of it all in house with our unique collaboration framework.

Reflow Engineering can ensure your next idea is developed into a single, tightly integrated, efficent product. Not cobbled together from outsourced pieces. This will give your users the best possible experience and allow your product to complete against the industry's best.

Hardware Design

Reflow Engineering has a complete circuit design capability. We can take your design from concept to final BOM optimisation or fill in any steps. Our Circuit Design services include:

Circuit Design:
  • Analog Design
  • Digital Design
  • Circuit Proteciton
  • Low Power
  • SMPS
PCB Layout:
  • Multilayer & HDI
  • Highspeed and RF
  • Altium Library Management
Design for manufacturing:
  • BOM Optimisation
  • Fabrication and Assembly Documentation

Embedded Software Development

Reflow Engineering provides full embedded software development capability. From bare-metal to RTOS. All embedded software is developed with tight integration to hardware for maximum functionality and efficency.

Custom Bare Metal Solutions:
  • 32 bit ARM Core with Custom Peripheral Drivers (M0+, M3, M4F and M33)
  • 8 bit AVR Core with Custom Peripheral Drivers
  • Nordic Softdevice BLE Stack Bare Metal Implementation
  • ARM MBED (with Cordio BLE Stack)
  • Amazon FreeRTOS (with Nordic Softdeivce BLE Stack)
  • Apache Mynewt (with NimBLE BLE Stack)
  • Full BLE Connectivty Solution with Nordic Semiconductor ICs
  • Over-the-air Firmware Update over BLE

Mobile App Development

Reflow Engineering provides a complete cross platform app development services.

Flutter Cross Platform Framework
  • Android and iOS From a Single Codebase
  • Native Performance
  • Lower Time to Market
  • Consistent User Experience Across Platforms
Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Full BLE Support across both platform
  • Firmware Updates from App to Device
App Update Support
  • Full Support for App Updates
  • Full Support for Device Firmware Updates via App